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Arizona Baskin Law, PLLC

 Founded in 2024

Arizona Baskin Law has a heart for making the law and access to lawyers easier for average people. We believe we can help people with the law while being affordable and accessible. Our primary goal is to provide quality legal help to those in need. â€‹


Arizona Baskin, Juris Doctor

Yes, my name is Arizona. 

Let me answer all those frequently-asked questions about my name.

  1. The story behind my name: My parents were driving from Florida to California while my mom was pregnant with me. They were driving down I-40 in the middle of the desert one night somewhere near Kingman maybe. My mom looked up through the moonroof and that's the name that came up and stuck. ​​

  2. The movie, the song, the State, the ship: I am named after the State and not the movie from the 90s or the song. I am also not named after the ship, the USS Arizona.

  3. This really is my legal, birth name.

About Me

I went to college at Arizona State University, initially, to be an electrical engineer. God had other plans.


I initially started helping out as tech support during the summer between high school and college at a legal aid clinic catering to individuals experiencing homelessness at the Downtown Phoenix shelter, Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS). At some point, I started talking to clients because it was needed and it looked like something I could do. I continued to assist as I could on breaks from school.


I eventually decided to be a lawyer after seeing how the law could be used to actually help people. I made the switch to a major I enjoyed that would get me to law school shortly after. 


I graduated with my Juris Doctorate from the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona in 2021. Following graduation, my now-wife and I moved to Yavapai County where she spent a good majority of her childhood summers. 


I intend to create boundaries and manage a work-life balance. In my personal time, I enjoy a constantly-changing set of hobbies, most of which get me out in God's creation on a regular basis.


I shoot old guns, reload for those old guns, and frequent gun shops and pawn shops when I am not working. 


I fish and hunt when I can. I often target carp, catfish, and sometimes just whatever is available. Last summer, I was fishing the Verde River on a regular basis. 


My wife and I enjoy trolling thrift stores and antique shops in our area as well as playing cards or other games. We joke that we're an elderly couple who are young on the outside.

There is no deep solution without first understanding.


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